Starvi – Albania

March 2017

“Stavri is a young man who turned 13 in March 2017. He had a great birthday surrounded by some of his beloved people, and a very tasty cake prepared by his mother. However one of the most important people in his life, his father was missing on this special day.

Stavri lost his Father almost 10 years ago, only a few months before his 4th birthday. However he still remembers the day with teary eyes while labeling it as the worst day and as the hardest and most difficult time of his life. Growing up without a father and in rough economic circumstances, Stavri faced many more difficult situations later on in life and also struggles with his school, struggles which he did not know how to face.

However, after starting to watch the Superbook on TV and beginning to go to Church with his mother and younger sister, he began to face the struggles with a lighter heart. One day, Stavri was watching the episode of the Superbook, when Chris is attacked by the devil in the shape of a snake. Chris asked God for help and He indeed helped him. At this moment Stavri realized that God was real and He could help Him as well. Stavri opened his heart to Jesus and asked Him to “take his life and make him NEW and help him live for YOU”. The Salvation Poem, the song played at the end of each episode became his favorite song and he would sing it while playing in the house or helping his mother with housework.

Since that day, Stavri’s mom has been amazed to see the change in her son’s attitude towards her and his sister, especially with one specific area. Stavri used to fight a big battle with lying, even though he knew it was wrong, he could not do anything about it and continued to lie. However, now, when Stavri speaks with others also adds the promise that he is not lying because he is in front of Jesus and Jesus is watching him at all time.

We are thankful to CBN for their partnership, and their heart to reach children all over the world. We thank God for Stavri and millions of children like him in Albania and Kosovo.”

An article from Radio 7 News, our partners in Albania and Kosovo

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