Our mission is to share the Gospel through Superbook in every European language.

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Our mission is to share the Gospel through Superbook in every European language.

Join the Mission

Discover Superbook, the Emmy-nominated TV series that explores the truths of the Bible for children up to the age of 12.

Through captivating animated videos, Superbook brings Bible stories to life. Teaching values like courage, loyalty and faith to the children of the world in their native language. Created by world class animators and funded by generous donations.

Take a look at the Superbook trailer and experience the excitement and adventure of being transported back to key moments from Bible with our friends Joy, Chris and Gizmo

We’re getting ready for Big Church Festival! Join our Superbook Academy interest list to find out more.

Sign up now for activities, videos and loads more!


“Superbook episodes have taught me that the most important thing was is always to be kind and to forgive people no matter what.”
Lewis – 9 Years Old

The Superbook Mission

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for our children to get lost in the digital world and social media comparisons. But what if there was a way to help them find clarity and purpose amidst the chaos? 

Introducing Superbook… We believe that every child deserves to hear the Gospel. Our mission is to provide every child in the UK and Europe with exciting Bible-based adventures translated into their own language. 

Superbook is empowering the next generation with a strong faith foundation, and you can be a part of it. Help us to provide free, high-quality resources to schools and churches, and make a real difference in the lives of children and their families through our humanitarian outreach.

“Jesus wants all the children in the world to know and follow Him. I am very grateful for Superbook.”
Helimay – 10 Years Old

“Superbook is reaping a tremendous harvest for the kingdom of God all around the world.”

Gordon Robertson – CEO


Humanitarian Outreach

Reaching children across Europe and Central Asia with a message of hope and love.


Equipping Churches

Superbook Academy is an online Sunday School Curriculum which is equipping churches and school’s across the United Kingdom, with the truth of God’s Word



In 2024 we want to get Season One translated into British Sign Language. It will cost £600 per episodes so we need £7200. Will you join the mission?

Follow Gizmo’s adventures around the World

Gizmo is travelling all around the globe, visiting with friends that are helping us on our mission to see ‘Every Child, Everywhere’ hear the Gospel

  Superbook TV broadcast countries
  Gizmo’s Adventure Stops

The life-changing impact of Superbook

Discover the amazing stories of people who have had their lives changed by the Gospel through Superbook.

School of Light: Illuminating Futures with Education, Nutrition, and Hope

School of Light in Rajasthan is an after-school project, part of a wider program run in many countries around the world by Orphan’s Promise. This initiative provides nutrional and educational support, especially for at-risk children, focusing on the holistic care of the child. Here in India, we get to share the hope of Jesus through Superbook as part of an ongoing discipleship programme.

It’s so important to us to not only meet the immediate needs of the children through education and nutritional support but set them up for a future of thriving through the hope of Jesus.

The Inspiring Journey of Sasha: A Praying Boy’s Dream to Meet Gizmo


Sasha’s life was tough, with his arthrosis making it difficult for him to walk.Despite the challenges he faced, Sasha remained a kind and sincere boy with an unwavering faith in God.He was a big fan of Superbook and dreamed of meeting Gizmo. Their prayers were answered when the Superbook team came to the “New Hope” church, where Sasha and his family attended. Sasha couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Gizmo in person.Through Superbook, Sasha learned the importance of prayer and how it could change lives. He became a source of inspiration for his family and friends, showing them that with faith and perseverance, anything was possible. The impact of Superbook on Sasha’s life was immeasurable, and it left a lasting impression on those around him.

Now Sasha is praying that God will heal all children with such a diagnosis as his. And we know that nothing is impossible for God, we just need, like Sasha, to continue to believe and pray.

Now Sasha is praying that God will heal all children with such a diagnosis as his. And we know that nothing is impossible for God, we just need, like Sasha, to continue to believe and pray.

Faith in Action: A Calm Amid The Storm

Across Europe and beyond, Superbook travels with our humanitarian outreach programmes so that we can bring not only food and medical help, but hope and love to children in areas of need. Whether hit by natural disaster, or reaching at-risk children in impoverished areas, Superbook is there.

In Petrinja, Croatia, Superbook went with Operation Blessing to bring help and hope to those left homeless and in fear in the town after an earthquake hit in December 2020. Boran’s story is an amazing example of the impact Superbook is having in children’s lives.

From Selfishness to Selflessness


God cares about every little detail of our lives, and Superbook helpd kids, like Isabella invite Him into every part of their day. Isabella struggled not to be selfish, but started to attend Awana Club, where Superbook episodes are regularly shown. One episode about Jesus’ life made Isabella realise that she needed to make changes in her life. She began to think of people around her, and even pray for thme when they were struggling.

God helps us grow in our character to become more like Jesus, and Superbook is showing children, even as young as Isabella, how they can live kinder, more generous and loving lives.

Looking ahead, Isabela knows that Superbook is more than just a show – it’s a life-changing experience. Through the power of this program and the message of the Bible, Isabela has found a new purpose in life, and she is excited to see where her journey will take her next. Superbook’s transformative power has changed her life forever, and she knows that she has a bright future ahead of her.

Rescuers Camp: Bringing Comfort and Faith through Superbook!

At the edge of Ukraine where it meets Poland – CBN & Superbook has been supporting refugees in many ways through the work of our humanitarian projects. While some projects provide food, heat and other humanitarian relief, in Chervonohrad, Superbook Ambassadors, Anastasia and Oksana told us about a camp they ran for displaced children.

Each day they met with different emergency services and authority figures from the community, but even more important than learning about physical safety – they learnt about the spiritual safety and comfort that they could find in Jesus.

Jesus is Stronger!


Sarah works in a children’s home within a crisis group for 6 – 14-year-olds. After watching a Superbook episode showing that Jesus is stronger than the devil, one of the younger boys came to her. He expressed how every night he was visited by a man in a black robe. He was so scared and frightened that he couldn’t sleep. Having learnt about God through Superbook, he wanted to invite God into his life. As soon as he did this, he felt a cold rush and an assurance that the evil would leave. Sarah saw an obvious peace about this young precious boy.

Sarah says, “Superbook helps me connect to the children at work, to show them who God is or what the supernatural world is. It is conveyed so clearly and distinctly that it is so understandable that the children simply understand what it is about.”

A Passion Passed Down


“My name is Tatyana…I have long wanted to write to you a testimonial of how God found me through the Superbook ministry. I think this will encourage you to continue this excellent work.

I was born in 1983. My childhood fell on the years of Perestroika (openness and progress), when the Superbook cartoons were shown for the first time on TV. I really liked these cartoons because my family did not read the Bible and all these stories were new to me. At the end of the series, each time they offered to order the brochure “The Life of Jesus Christ.” One day I decided to write a letter to the specified address. Time passed, and the postman brought me a long-awaited envelope with a brochure!

The story of the life and suffering of Jesus Christ touched my childhood heart so much that, having found a prayer of repentance at the end of the book, I knelt down and began to pray with tears in the words I had read. This is how the Lord Jesus brought salvation to a 7-year-old girl through the Superbook ministry. Glory to Him! At the age of 16, I made a covenant with the Lord through baptism and began my journey with Him.”

Bringing Hope to the Valleys

In an under-served community in South Wales, a team called the Mighty Marvels take the gospel into schools each week.

Sharing Superbook episodes and faith stories with over 800 children each week, they provide RE, PE and PSE education to schools throughout the Rhondda Valley, meeting the National Curriculum guidelines and free of charge to the schools. With each lesson based in Superbook episodes, children from every backgrounds are learning about Jesus, the Gospel and Bible History all in an engaging, relevant way.

From Loss to Baptism – Jacob’s Story


Jacob’s journey is a powerful example of how Superbook helped him find faith and guidance after losing his father at a young age. Despite the challenges of the digital age and peer pressure, Jacob found comfort in the animated characters Gizmo, Chris, and Joy. Watching their adventures taught him valuable lessons and timeless Bible truths that helped him cope with difficulties and make wise choices. Superbook became an anchor for Jacob, shaping his values and enabling him to resist negative influences as he transitioned into adolescence. Through Superbook, Jacob discovered his purpose and found direction in life, ultimately leading him to seek baptism and understand the importance of following Jesus’ example.

Jacob’s story underscores the significance of having a firm foundation amidst the distractions and obstacles of the modern world. Superbook’s impact on Jacob’s life serves as a reminder that in God’s Word, we can always find hope, guidance, and strength to navigate through grief and challenges. It exemplifies the transformative power of timeless Bible truths and the ability to overcome adversity and discover one’s purpose.

Faithful Superbook Partners are at the Forefront, Sharing the Gospel, Language by Language!

Our mission is to share the Gospel through Superbook in every European language. Thanks to our generous partners, this mission is a growing success. Without them, none of this would be possible, but because of them, children’s lives are being turned around. They’re finding hope, growing in character, and, most importantly, choosing to follow Jesus!

Join the mission and become a partner today.


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